
International Council for Human Development

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The International Council for Human Development (ICHD) addressed the media, on 4th of April 2011, and vowed its continued commitment to the cause of the independent Kashmir. The chairperson, Ali Raza Syed addressed the press conference, in Brussels, along with renowned human rights activist, Marjan Lucas who has spend several years in research and activism on the issue of Kashmir. 

Ali Raza Syed said that his organization was committed to continue exposing the crimes of the brutal Indian forces in Indian held Kashmir. He said 13 million Kashmiri Diaspora of the world was not ready to allow anybody to suppress or malign the lawful and peaceful freedom movement of Kashmir. 

Marjan Lucas said that international community should not let the Kashmiris suffer anymore. Responding to the arrest and later release of Dr.Ghulam Nabi Fai, Ali Raza that the just cause of Kashmir was above the personalities and all people that struggle for the just cause of Kashmir shall continue receiving our support. He expressed his concerns over the mysterious silence of international community about the issue of Kashmir unlike the issues of South Sudan, Eastern Tamur and Kosovo. He declared that the One Million Signature Campaign shall continue to achieve its goals because it was based on the real facts and support from the human rights organizations and international forums of the world.

He demanded that the India should demilitarize the Kashmir, immediately release all the political prisoners, punish all the security personals involve in human rights abuses and remove all the black laws from their statutory books.

Posted under: Press Releases

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